Sunday, October 08, 2006

You're pathetic!

Arizona, Lake Havasu City, United (

It's not like I cannot see you, bitch.....
But you know nothing of my life..HAHAAHAHAAHA!!

Sunday, May 21, 2006

I'm still over there!!

...and enjoying all the fun!!
See you on myspace...thats where my new updates are! Hello! LOL!!


Friday, May 05, 2006

umm.maybe I'm on MYSPACE???

Maybe thats why noone sees anything going on here???
IF you belong to MYSPACE..come check out my awesome site!

You see the name of my blog..hint: I may use the same name on my myspace, huh??? Durrrrr....!!!!!

Thursday, April 13, 2006


Yeah, got your attn huh??

Well I don't know about you all, but I'm over on MYSPACE becoming readily addicted to it!! Come join me!! :) more long winded talks on my more using up valuable 'before 7" minutes..Sounds like I am utterly foot loose and fancy free once more?? YOU BETCHA!!! I think this calls for a celabration of which I will highly partake in this weekend while my son is up north enjoying himself at Great Wolf Lodge. WOO HOO!! I have not been totally free of any man since before I was married. I always had one to back up another...or over lap a time or two...and now?? No shoes, no shirt, NO PROBLEM!!!
Blues...what Blues?? Man, I haven't got em!!
Now all I need is the sun, the sand and a drink in my hand....( p.s. currently, Michigan has THE SUN, and I have a drink in my hand...right now who needs freakin sand??? NOT ME!!)
Happy Easter Everyone! MY LIFE IS ALSO RE-BORN!!!

Saturday, April 01, 2006

New Month...

Let's see...whats new..hmmmm..
Well no stalker sighting since we banned the whack job from MCF.
B started Baseball practice today and didn't do too bad. It would have been nice if he would have worn a sweatshirt, but low and behold Little Mr. B decided oh nooooo a T-shirt and shorts is perfect for 50 friggen degree weather....UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! One of these days.....POW!! Right to the moon!!! Sheesh!! LOL!!!

Oh I also got stood up nice that was. Good thing I figured on it happening, but still....
Oh and I'm playing on MYSPACE like a Wild Woman out of Borneo. I got my DSL back, so hey..time to play!! See ya over there sometime!
Hey Jason....what about THE BIG PICTURE!?!?!?!?! hahahaha...
Anyone want to know what Jason looks like??? Hy! I got a few pics, but I think the one posted here is BY FAR the best!!!

Monday, March 20, 2006

Do I give you that much of a thrill??

So you come to MCF, get approved, and then stalk my blog?? Why??
Do I thrill you that much?? Are you that attracted to me that you have to go to that much trouble just to go through every entire post I make???
God, lady, you got it thing though?? I'm an outtie girl, WHICH MEANS I like outties, you know, men??? Maybe you should try them sometime.
Good God, lady...what I write on my blog means nothing to the outside person; only to my friends does it matter what I put here. So whatever you have for me??? LOSE IT! Sheesh!!!

Sunday, March 12, 2006

hmmm spring time!!

This licky chicky is ready to go have some fun! ex hubby saw my plate and thought, damn I want to meet that girl....then he pulled up today and saw it was on his ex wives' car....HAHAHAAHA!! Sorry chucky...this girl has definitely MOVED on!
I'm still thinking that a ride on a Harley might be fun! ;)

Here's a pic from today.... think I would do alright??? ;)

No Shoes, No Shirt, No Problems | Kenny Chesney

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