Monday, June 20, 2005

Counting down, making changes, & planning!!

1. Count down:
a. Brandon's coming home Thursday from camp!! I cannot wait!! I miss him very much!!
b. 38 days until doc goes on yet another long weekend meeting up at Grand Traverse. Party in the office!!! Woo HOO!!!!!

2. Changes:
a. Possible trip change for October.
b. Going off the computer once B gets home. I'll keep in touch with the "Licky Chickies"!!

3. Still planning for a trip though! I can still take shorts and be in warm weather!
Unfortunately, B may not be coming with me...thats going to be the only kicker. I promised him California to hang with Jeremy and Mathew for Halloween. If we go to Cali, he'll be with me, but if I chose to go see my brother in Florida, it will be dull for him and I will definitely go a couple weeks before Halloween so I can be home when he goes out trick or treating. Right now it's a difficult decision, so I'm playing it by ear.
Today is the first day of summer!!! Enjoy it people, it will be ending soon! You know Michigan SUX!!!!
One last thing...K?? I surely hope you're feeling better soon! Noone likes to be under the weather and I know with your condition, it can make it a lot worse!! I'm praying for ya, girl!!
(((((HUGS))))) :( I miss gabbing with ya...and I HAD to talk to G!!! UGH!!!! HAHAHAHA!!!


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