Sunday, July 24, 2005

Been a long week.

My office mgr. was gone for the week and it was definitely long and I had to bite my lip a few times and just nod nicely at the patients.
I've been checking into quite a few things. School, Avon sales, and looking into adding items on to our support site.
I want to finish my degree, so I looking into local school and online programs. I still have all the time in the world to finish, I am just wanting to make things happen more than just sitting here.

My friend signed me up for Avon now I'm an Independant Sales Consultant. I'm not into making this some kind of full time thing, I just have a few people who are interested and It looks like something that can keep me occupied. I also added a link on my support group if anyone is interested in ordering online.
MCF...well I had a great idea and K liked it too...We now have ordered business cards for MCF and I am taking a few to each Recruiting office locally and letting the recruiters know that if there are any apprensive parents, g/f's, wives, of recruits, we are available for them online. Wives have KV's...g/f's and parents don't have squat, so I'm sure a few recruits will File 13 the cards, but I'm also sure a select few may indeed hand them out if it means meeting their quota! ( I'm not so stupid afterall, eh?)
Other than that?? S.O.S.D.D.
I keep checking online for a deal for flights to Cali end of Oct.....the time is almost here to purchase the suckers!! I'm excited!!! 96 more days until B and I are on a jet plane to Sunny California!!! Woo hooo!!!..Get out the Capt, K!! See ya in San Diego!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't believe this. I set out to get some ideas on my new site.. you know themes, color, layout, etc.... and I can't believe how much stuff I've found looking around. I'm liking some of the stuff I see here... some good ideas at least. I'm not sure if I want to go with normal blue underlined links or if I want an entire theme of colors for all of the text and the links too. Anyway, nice page, it gave me something to chew on. If anyone actually sees this and feels like it, you can check out my site. lennox fireplace

1:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Getting ideas on color schemes and layout for my site. Got some good ideas here, thanks. My site if interested - fireplace pokers

1:36 AM  

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