Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Tuesday, Sept27th

Finally!! The last week of this class!! THANK GOD!! Now the REAL work begins, but thats OK.
I got a reality check and a refresher course all at the same time. However, I know I can maintain and do well. I just heard that my friend Laura will be joining me back at school. She's going for her MBA. Laura is the one who opened my eyes to online classes at the University. I joked with her the other day and said," Hey! Let's meet for a cappuccino over at Starbucks before we hit Kinko's to make copies!!!" HAHAHAHAHA It's funny when you hear that she is in St. Louis, while I'm RIGHT DOWN THE STREET FROM UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN (AnnArbor)
GO BLUE!!! GO WOLVERINES!! YEAH, BABY!! ( Yeah, I had to do that because of a certain BeeGee who thinks TEXAS Longhorns are all that when all they are, are hayseed plowboys themselves!!) :P
Gotta love good sportsmanship!
ANYWAYS....as I was saying...This will be cool. We're hoping to graduate at the same time so we can both attend Univ. of Phoenix graduation IN PHOENIX, AZ! We thought that would be awesome.
Well one class down, a ton more to go! I'll let you know how I progress...
Oh and for those of you who know about the party?? Yeah, that will also be week 4 of my next class, so once more I'll be in the final leg of having that class finished. SO..PARRRRTTTYYYY!!!
HEE HEE HEE HEE!!! ***Wink wink*** "Licky chickies will all be together!!


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