Wednesday, January 11, 2006

January 11th...

WOW. I cannot believe what the wrong meds can do to a person. I had the worst reaction to a medication that will remain unnamed because I just don't want to get into the discussion about it. I thought I lost my son, my friends, my support site, and worst of all a guy who came into my life and was wonderful to me. I did lose him at first.
Luckily, I realized the medication was giving me a reaction and I stopped it immediately after 10 days of being on it.. I didn't think it was in time to save the beginning of a new relationship, but this guy did call last Sunday and we had a long talk. I am happy to say that he understood what was happening and is coming here soon to talk about moving things on to a more serious level in our relationship. I am soo relieved and very happy about us now.
B was uneffected by this because he was up at his Godmother's place for a few days and didn't see the worst of the reaction. THANK GOD!! However, I don't really think anyone would have noticed it too much by just looking at me or my home life. To tell you the truth, I really don't know. What I do know is that those pills went right down the toilet the minute I realized what was happening. From now on?? My gyno doc can take a leap off a short pier. If I try anything for PMS, it will be something more Rx Meds for me!!
I'm still only able to post via work. The gas bill kicked my it has to many others this month and I think it's a travesty that Michigan does not have a law where the gas company cannot turn off your heat during the winter months...especially when gas prices tripled here. It's just not right.
Anyways..thats what's going on this week...hopefully, I'll ahve more good news next week!


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