Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Coming up to "the day"

In a week I'll be at the hospital getting this surgery overwith!! Even though it's only been 3 weeks, it's beginning to feel like months!!
I've been having good days and bad. The last two days have been particularly more difficult than usual. Don't ask me why, because I don't know. It feels as though I'm 6 or 7 months pregnant and the ligaments are stretching....not a good feeling at all! I also have sharp pains that come out of nowhere and make me lose my breath for a minute...
I just want this done and overwith.....

On the good side...I accepted a dinner date with a very nice guy. I'm very glad I went and he even brought me flowers...DAISIES!!! And he didn't even know my favorite bouquets were daisies or wild flowers...HUH...Guess it takes a good guy to think of flowers for me. I guess I DO deserve them afterall...who'd da thunk?!?!?!?! Roses are so demeaning to me and very overrated!!! Not worth MY time!!!
Take care my friends!! I'll be bugging the hell out of you soon!!!

Monday, April 11, 2005


I'm feeling awful since I got home.
I saw my doc this a.m. and I will have my surgery probably within the next 3 weeks.
It's not going to be good. He said I was growing exponentially and is worried. Nothing like having a worried doctor.
I will be in the hospital for 3-4 days and out of work approximately 6 weeks.
TO my friends: THANKS for all the well wishes..my girls on MCF, you're terrific!!
TO my enemies..."F" off!

Love you all!
I'll be good to go in no time!

Saturday, April 09, 2005

I'm awake and with it!!

It's been a long 9 days!! Most of this week I have been here, but not "here". The medicine I'm on is kicking my @$$ and leaving me 1/2 the time in la-la land. I've been going to work and doing ok there, but I can sit for the most part and we only have patients 3 days out of the week..so it's been pretty easy. Today I have a holter monitor to put on and wear for the next 24 hours. Luckily I work in cardiology and can do this myself. They're checking for any heart palpatations that run for long periods, of which I have...LOL...
I have my GYN Consult Monday morning to discuss the surgery. Needless to say I'm going to have yet another busy week of testing. I'm sure another blood draw is imminant.
Little B seems unscathed by all thats going on, although he did give me his "lucky button" the other day and told me that I need it more than him right now. I never knew he carried a "lucky button"! LOL
My friend, Tina, said to tell the docs to put off my surgery until after HER B-Day, so we can party.....once again total selfishness. Who cares if I feel like H*ll dipped in misery, just don't miss that party!!!! Sheesh!
So basically this meant to be a hey! I'm here finally and "with it" for a while, and a I'm catching up with everything as fast as I can. I'll post an update Monday and let you all know when said sugery is going to happen, or be put off for a little while. I just want to be financially OK since I'll be off of work for about 4-6 weeks.
Oh and one other thing...
Brad.... or shall I say "Shallow Hal"..thanks for your "concern". With friends like you..who needs enemies?? My "being Harsh" in my email still stands...cuz you just proved me RIGHT once again! I love how you dig your own holes..now you just need to learn to shovel the dirt back over yourself.

Monday, April 04, 2005


I just returned home for the doc's office. ( Medical doc, that is)
He wanted to see me a.s.a.p. because of the heart palpatations that I'm still having and talk about my bloodwork.
He was under the impression that I am going to have this hysterectomy quicker than I expected. I figured it would be a bit later, or wait until summer...so when I go to my GYN next early Monday a.m., We'll find out the real story.
In the mean time, I had yet another STAT CBC ( multi sticks yet again!!) done today and he ordered an echocardiogram. He wants that done at his office and also ordered an EMG to check my foot ( which is why I went to him in the first pace 2 weeks ago..) after I get out of work nextweek...
So my next week or so is going to be filled with testing, more testing, and Dr. Consults. ( I think this may also be for a medical clearance for when I do have my surgery..get it all out of the way so nothing has to be done prior to that day)

Hey!! GREAT NEWS...hot off the cell...my Dr. office just called and said my blood count was now 11.6!!! YAY!!! I'm relieved to hear that!! Finally some good news!

And so the stomach turns....

Sunday, April 03, 2005

I'm home

I did go to ER Thursday, which turned into a surreal night. I went in for what I thought was going to be an in and out thing and it turned into a nightmare.
I ended up having emergency surgery for hemorrhaging and also ended up receiving 2 blood transfusions. It happened so fast I didn't even have time to think.
I am OK now for the most part and still pretty sore. I am going to have a second surgery, but it's up in the air as to when this will happen. I have a feeling it will be soon, though. I hope to put it off until summer, that way my son will be out of school and it will be easier to maintain my home. I'll know once I see my doc this week or next.
Rest assured I am ok for now.
Thanks everyone for your thoughts and prayers...it really means a lot.

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