Sunday, May 29, 2005

Our Agreement

Yesterday we saw Star Wars!!
It was suppose to rain all weekend, but so far, we've managed to miss it all around.
B and I also drove out to Sterling Hgt's to pick up his Summer Camp Itenerary from the Tim Horton's sponsoring store. They're having a "Summer Camp for a Day" next Saturday and asked us to come to it, so the people who are donating money can meet the child thats going to Camp. They're sponsoring 2, so maybe my son can meet the other child and they'll atleast see someone familiar once they get on the bus and plane to go to Summer Camp.

B has his uniform all ready for the Memorial Day parade tomorrow. He wants to wear it to show the respect he has for our troops and to let the families of the troops from all wars who have given their lives for our country know that he has not forgotten them.
So please..tomorrow, give a moment in silence to remember our troops who have given all in between your BBQ's and cans of beer.....if it wasn't for them, we may have been speaking something other than english and working on this day. Say thank you to a vet. It's the least we can do.

Miss you kristyyyyy!!!!! Hope you have a better day today!!! I'll chat with you when you get home...or later tonight if you get some downtime after the BBQ at your mom's!!

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Warm day in MI, but I'm smiling! Posted by Hello

Looky who's awake!!

Well tonight I am.
Hey K..I hope you do ok up at your mom's. Take care of yourself and let Wendy know I'm thinking about her.

I'm very excited about the pending trip to Cali. It sounds like far off, but you all know me! I'm an early planner and October is only 4 months away...thats 16 weeks; 8 pay periods... ok maybe closer to 20 weeks..but who's counting???LOL
It's almost like planning for Christmas!!!

In the short term, I'm getting things squared away with B and his summer camp...thats just around the corner and he's very excited. I hope we have everything he may need for his trip. So far I am short a few items, but I think we'll manage! I get a pay check just before he leaves, so he'll be ready!!

I was a warm day today, FINALLY!!! B and I worked on the yard today; him mowing and me showing him the correct way to use the weed whip. I also came to his aid when he found a huge wasp nest in our shed! I waited until the sun went down, then ZAP!!!! Wasps are now gone!!

It's almost the holiday plans...maybe we'll go to the movies. B wants to see Madagascar....I want to see Star Wars...B will probably win..he always does!! LOL!!!
Let G know I want to go with him and the boys to see Star Wars...can they pick me up at the airport??? J/K!!!
Have a great day y'all!!

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

WOW, does this feel good!

Well, I've gotten out to work yesterday and today..only 4-4 1/2 hrs each day, but right now thats plenty. It felt good to get back in with the living. I am home tomorrow, then I'll go in for 4 hours on Thursday.
One of my favorite drug reps., "Cassandra" stopped by the office and was surprised to see me. She's so nice and a regular "Gabby-Gail", but she always has a smile on her face and always has something for the office.
I'm still having some tenderness and do have a hard time driving home, but I'm being careful not to over do myself and cause any injuries or delay in healing. One thing that bugs me is the on again/ off again pain I'm having that radiates down my left side. I figure it's the IBS Syndrome so I follow my regimine for that, but even with an empty colon, I still am having the pain. If it gets worse I'll call my doc, so for now, I'll take pain killers and sleep. LOL...I'm good at that these days!!! Sleeping, I mean!! My heart med is wonderful! Still no palpatations since beginning them last week...I finally feel "normal" again.

Whatelse??? Other than the fact that C.O.B.B.S. is stalking my friends site more than Tuna and Crusty right now makes me laugh. Does he really think we'll post info for him regarding my Cali trip??? HAHAHAHAAH!!! I'll call Kristy with the info..NOT post it to her blog! Come on now!! We're not that stupid!!Or....I can just post it here...that way he'll never see anything!!! Hmmmm...sounds like a plan, eh K??? LOL!!! ***wink wink***
See ya's later!!! ((((HUGS)))) to my buds!

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Going back

I have had it just sitting here.
I talked to my office mgr and I am going to try to work a few hours for a couple of days, just to see how it goes. Basically just answer phones and get some reports or dictation done.
These 4 walls are completely closing in and I can't even get out to run or anything, so all I am doing is sitting here thinking...and my close friends know thats not good. I don't know how people can sit home and not do anything...I'm not talking about SAHM's, cuz they're not sitting, well some may, but most I know work harder than their hubbies.
So...I am outta here....atleast a few hours this week to start.
I looked at my recent pics that were taken and I am definitely not happy with what I see. I NEED to get out and get rid of this fat. Unfortunately, I'll need plastic surgery when it's all said and done. Definite boob job...HAHAHAAHA..but after Hawaii....unless that falls through.

My CONGRATS go out to Janet with the birth of HER new son.....if you're looking for more info than that, South Carolina Sister...sux to be site's not giving up the info you are lurking for. So seek it elsewhere...HAHAHAAHAHA....foolish girl. Like you'd think I'd put up info or pics for you to see here???

Also my thoughts go out to my bestest bud out there in Cali...Kristy Licky Chicky!! I hope your foot heals quick..having broken bones is no fun thing. Like I said before, I wish I was closer to you so I could help you out with the kids...I mean taking J or M for a day with my B would be a Godsend, you know?? Atleast you could relax a while. See ya in a few weeks!!
((((HUGS)))) to everyone...
Happy Sunday

Friday, May 20, 2005


While I was dying my hair today.....a knock at the door...hmmmm...
It was the florist!! I was handed a beautiful planter decorated with Daisies!!!
It was awesome!!! It was from the Doctor I work for and my friend in the office, Pam.
I posted a pic below of it. The card said," Hope you have a speedy recovery!"
Oh I me!
THANKS Dr. Doshi and Pam!!! (((HUGS)))

The heart medication I am on is palpatations in 4 days!!! And to think I was scared to death of them last weekend.
I'm getting antsy to get out...I would really like to head out tomorrow night and just go somewhere and listen to some music or something...not so much to dance or anything, for I don't want to hinder my recovery...but I'm going nuts just sitting here.

I love my hair...looks awesome!! I'm loving my weight loss...I cannot wait for my Birthday in a couple of weeks!! Tina and I already have the night planned...Going to see Rascal Flatts and Blake Shelton ( Some beach...somewhere!!) at DTE Energy Music Theatre ( PINE KNOB!!!), doing a wee bit of quaffing the old spirits and then it's off to the dance hall for some style! I haven't danced like that in FOREVER and I'm looking for a little bit of fun for once since the last few months haven't been much of anything and so serious.
I'm also planning two later this year...a little one to California just to relax away from home..and the big one next spring!! Hawaii with the Licky Chickies out there at Pendleton!!! Both Kristy and I said the same thing...hmmmm..boob job or Hawaii??? HAWAII!!!!! HAHAHAHAHA.....I mean come on...put off Hawaii again??? NO WAY!!!
Have a wonderful weekend, y'all!! I love ya's!

me today with blonder hair. Posted by Hello

B saying HEY to Mathew and Jeremy Posted by Hello

My plant from Dr.Doshi and Pam Posted by Hello

Thursday, May 19, 2005

B with blonde hair!!!  Posted by Hello

Brand before Barbershop Posted by Hello

Brand after the Barbershop Posted by Hello

full can see the swelling still Posted by Hello

Me!! Today!! **wink wink** Posted by Hello

so..he said a little off the top.....

I wanted my sons hair cut....he wanted it we compromised.
The end result?? He looks like "Iceman" ( Val Kilmer) from the movie "Top Gun"....HAHAHAHAAHA at age 10, that is!!!!
I also decided to take some pics of myself since I'm feeling better and it's post surgery. I'm still bloated in my stomach, but it's A LOT better than it was a month ago. I can finally wear my jeans and my smaller ones at that! Of course I'm now 25 lbs lighter than I was and I have been home for 3 weeks now...amazing how things work. I figure I want to lose another 30 lbs or so...maybe 45lbs??

I'm also contimplating going to back to work a couple of mornings to see how I fair next week.
I want to get out of here, but not overdo it. I figure I can answer the phones and help out Pam so she can get some billing'll see! I just worry about the money situation...
Anyways...enjoy the pics!!!
I'll be blonder tomorrow!!!
(((HUGS))) to my "Licky Chickies"..OH!!!!! I said something about Cali and October...YAY!!!

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

my handsome nephews!! Posted by Hello

Eric and boys..handome guys!! Posted by Hello


One of those crazyyyyyy days!!!
We talked entirely too long online and well.....
No sleep...again!!! LOL!!!
I was out and about all day driving, which really got to me once I got home, then the phone started ringing....people's ISSUES!!! Ex Mom-in-law we go!!!
I cannot help that my ex-hubby's g/f is jealous of me. I give her no reason to feel this way. I am the mother of our son and we will always be a part of one another's life if we like it or not. But she can have him.....end of story...get a life, would ya girl???? Sheesh!!

Anyways,...I received pics of my ex-brother in law and my handsome nephews today. AWESOME PICS!!! They are such good kids,too...Eric and Tina did a tremendous job raising these boys!!
These kids grew so fast...I still remember them in diapers...God, where does the time go??

Anyways...hump day!! Thank Goodness it's over!!!

Sunday, May 15, 2005

licky chickies!!!! lol!!! Posted by Hello

hahahahaa..what a dayyy!!!!

My day started off bad, but thanks to Kristyyyyyyy...she really made my day!!!
The plans we have for The next Cali trip..who knows...maybe Jody and I will head to Cali with the kids.....screw the men!!!! LOL!!!!
THANKS KRISTTTTYYYYYY!!! I loveeeeee youuuuuu!!!!

We will be licky chickies!!!!!
Show me the bald heads again!!!!
Hee hee hee..maybe I should make a call????? I should....LOL...hmmmmmm

Friday, May 13, 2005

Cardiology visit

I went to the cardiologist today for a cardiology consult as to why I am having these palpatations that did not go away when the Anemia became controlled.
The doc went over the test results from all the testing that was done just before my hysterectomy and decided to put me on a heart medication called Atenolol to control the palpatations and also decided to do more testing. I will find out Monday when I have what is called a Dobutamine Stress Echo done at the hospital. I hope that this test comes back fine. He went on to say that if it shows abnormal, he wants to schedule a Heart Catheterization.
I am upset at the fact that these palpatations did not go away when my anemia went away. I was hoping that my own doc was correct when I started having these problems and went to the ER last month. I guess it's good that we find this all out now and I take care of it early on in my life instead of fiding out due to a heart attack or something. Who knows if my mom had these problems and just dismissed them and that led to her death at such an early age?? All I know is that I want to live and watch my son grow and perhaps find the love of my life to grow old with....that would be nice.
I have also committed myself to get even more healthy then first anticipated a few months ago. I have always been health conscious, but I am now more than ever. I don't want to die at a young age of a heart realated illness, like other family members. I have decided it will not get me.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005 Brandoni Posted by Hello

All I need is a "Lil' Bit"

I feel pretty damn good today. No sleep, but hey, no biggie. Not the first time with us...

Word of the day: ISSUES!!!!

Everyone's got 'em! Some more than other's!!

So I asked for something nice...

Phrase of the day: Let's see some FOLLOW THROUGH!!!

times a ticking....Charlie Bravo.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

So there's this guy....

For 2 days now I have been thinking about 2 conversations I had with someone and the more I think about it, the more I just want to go off. But what would it change???
He's playing with me again...telling me stuff thats maybe true,but I think he's saying it just to make himself feel better.
He told me that if I had come out to California, like I had planned before this surgery, that he wanted to suprise me and make up for the horrible way he treated me when I was with him the last time. It only costs $203 to fly to San Diego from here.....or vice versa. I'm sitting here for 6 weeks...why not visit me?? That would be a start to making it up.
What he doesn't get is that he can make up for things starting now and I don't have to be right there with him, but I still don't think he has the capacity to think about anyone but himself.
He slipped up and said he was tired of the hunt after telling me about dating a couple of other women....well...noone will fit him like I do...noone will have more in common with him than I do.
Noone will put up with his shit more than I have.
I understand his commitment issues, I never pushed him one way or another..I even have commitment issues....and I have huge trust issues, ESPECIALLY NOW.

I wish he'd just admit that I am the one know what?? forget it...
Followthrough..thats all it takes.

Friday, May 06, 2005


The weekend is finally here! I made it this week without any drama..for the most part.
( No comment on last nights drama, eh K??)
I head to my GYN Monday and to my Cardiologist Friday. I hope I get a "Get out of the house free" card and am able to atleast drive short trips to the local store or something. I'm not trying to injure myself or anything, but sit home..inside....for a week and not do will drive ya nuts. TRUST ME!
For all my friends who are also mommies....

Love y'all!

Monday, May 02, 2005

love y'all! Posted by Hello

I'm home

....and very drugged, so if I sound stupid, don't mind me, it's the freaking meds!'d love em! LOL!!!
Everything went OK. I didn't respond to the pain meds given post op, so I got an epidural. I still had "zero tolerance" for anyone in the hospital with the exception of my wonderful doctor. One midnight nurse was cool,too. She got me up to walk around and we bitched about working in the hospital, LOL..she was awesome. Everyone else was incompetant and I'm glad hardly noone came to see me in the hospital or call. That was awesome!!!! I was in no way, shape or form to visit or talk for any great length! Pam and Julie, from my office did come up and they were great. I did well with them, but they're cool to chat that midnight nurse, but everyone else could have kissed my ass...LOL. Damn, I'm a biatch sometimes!

So anyways, I'm home now and laying in pain. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy...with the exception of only one person and my close friends know who that is. The only good thing is the stong pain meds I am depending on and look forward to every 4-6 hours!
Just because I'm on here right now does not mean I'm online on Instant Messenger.
Leave a message and I'll try to get back within 24 promises though.
Love y'all!

No Shoes, No Shirt, No Problems | Kenny Chesney

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