Sunday, May 08, 2005

So there's this guy....

For 2 days now I have been thinking about 2 conversations I had with someone and the more I think about it, the more I just want to go off. But what would it change???
He's playing with me again...telling me stuff thats maybe true,but I think he's saying it just to make himself feel better.
He told me that if I had come out to California, like I had planned before this surgery, that he wanted to suprise me and make up for the horrible way he treated me when I was with him the last time. It only costs $203 to fly to San Diego from here.....or vice versa. I'm sitting here for 6 weeks...why not visit me?? That would be a start to making it up.
What he doesn't get is that he can make up for things starting now and I don't have to be right there with him, but I still don't think he has the capacity to think about anyone but himself.
He slipped up and said he was tired of the hunt after telling me about dating a couple of other women....well...noone will fit him like I do...noone will have more in common with him than I do.
Noone will put up with his shit more than I have.
I understand his commitment issues, I never pushed him one way or another..I even have commitment issues....and I have huge trust issues, ESPECIALLY NOW.

I wish he'd just admit that I am the one know what?? forget it...
Followthrough..thats all it takes.


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