Thursday, June 30, 2005

The Birds and The bees

Little boy goes to his father and asks "Daddy, how was I born?"
The father answers: "Well son, I guess one day you will need to find out anyway! Your Mom and I first got together in a chat room on Yahoo. Then I set up a date via e-mail with your Mom and we met at a cyber-cafe. We sneaked into a secluded room, where your mother agreed to a download from my hard drive. As soon as I was ready to upload, we discovered that neither one of us had used a firewall, and since it was too late to hit the delete button, nine months later a blessed little Pop-Up appeared and said: "You`ve Got Male!"

HAHAHHA....thought you'd like that!!

Monday, June 27, 2005


I gotta start it again!!!
But it was worth the call...LOL!!! ;)

Saturday, June 25, 2005

I love my Capt!! Join me later tonight!!  Posted by Hello

Who likes to vote???

Seems that we have a pup who wants to become a coveted "LICKY DAWG" !! Now, not everyone can become one, it takes a lot of hardcore work to earn the title of "Licky Dawg".
Us Licky Chickies have come to a cross road where we are dead locked in our votes.....we are asking for your help! Licky Dawg initiation weekend will be held Oct 28- Oct30th, 2005. If he dares to follow through!!!
I welcome your comments here under this post! I would greatly appreciate any input you have!
Thanks so much for your time..
"TOP" Licky Chicky ;) "muah!"


I have to change my COBBS counter......and just when I had it all shovelled up!!! HAHAHAHA!!

Friday, June 24, 2005

WOO HOOO We got a new site!!

Kristy has been working her a$$ off on our new Marine Corps Families site! It's totally awesome!
Kudo's to you and your patience, cuz God knows I definitely lack in this department...

One other thing....since when did I turn in a "Barbie Girl"????
Well I guess it's better than being called "Pebbles".......
Plans for the weekend.... "Da POOL"!
Lot's of time at the pool!!! It was 94 today...and going back up to 94 tomorrow! As a matter of fact, thats our steady temp for the week. I bought B a summer pass to the pool in our community, so I plan on getting my dollars worth again this year!

Have a great weekend y'all...(((Hugs)))

Thursday, June 23, 2005

He's coming home!!

Today's the day!! I'm soo excited to have my son back home!!!
I won't be on the computer today at all until maybe later on tonight to post something!
WOOO HOOOO!!!! I have missed him SOOOOOO MUCCHHHHHH!!!
I cannot wait to get to the bus pick up site in Ferndale!!
12 hours and 40 minutes...and counting!!!!! :D

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Come on THURSDAY!!

Man, I'm so excited to see my son tomorrow it's not even funny.
It has been a long 10 days!! I know he had a blast at camp, yet I am a bit concerned about him flying home tomorrow, but I'm sure everything will be ok!
19:40 will not come fast enough! I'm sure glad we have a lot of patients tomorrow to keep my day steady!!
My dad and I are speaking nicely to each other (this week), so I'm taking him out for a belated Happy Father's Day dinner, then I'm going to pick up my son!!!! YAY!!!!!
The next big plans are for our October trip! I'm glad B has went on another flight, so he'll be prepared for our flight then! He's the only kid I know who does NOT like to sit by the window!!
I have missed him so much this week!!!! Come on THURSDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Monday, June 20, 2005

The "Force" is obviously with Geo. Kenobi!! Posted by Hello

Counting down, making changes, & planning!!

1. Count down:
a. Brandon's coming home Thursday from camp!! I cannot wait!! I miss him very much!!
b. 38 days until doc goes on yet another long weekend meeting up at Grand Traverse. Party in the office!!! Woo HOO!!!!!

2. Changes:
a. Possible trip change for October.
b. Going off the computer once B gets home. I'll keep in touch with the "Licky Chickies"!!

3. Still planning for a trip though! I can still take shorts and be in warm weather!
Unfortunately, B may not be coming with me...thats going to be the only kicker. I promised him California to hang with Jeremy and Mathew for Halloween. If we go to Cali, he'll be with me, but if I chose to go see my brother in Florida, it will be dull for him and I will definitely go a couple weeks before Halloween so I can be home when he goes out trick or treating. Right now it's a difficult decision, so I'm playing it by ear.
Today is the first day of summer!!! Enjoy it people, it will be ending soon! You know Michigan SUX!!!!
One last thing...K?? I surely hope you're feeling better soon! Noone likes to be under the weather and I know with your condition, it can make it a lot worse!! I'm praying for ya, girl!!
(((((HUGS))))) :( I miss gabbing with ya...and I HAD to talk to G!!! UGH!!!! HAHAHAHA!!!

Thursday, June 16, 2005


I'm telling ya, when it rains, it pours!! I'm just getting back on my feet again and feeling good. I'm very thankful for everything. That test left me feeling like crap most of the day, but this a.m. I do feel more normal.
I talked to my brother last night. He informed me that he was in the hospital for 4 days last week. To make a long story short, his lungs colapsed. His doc told him that if he smokes again, he will be dead. He's on 4L of oxygen now, loads of steroids and inhalers, and because steroids wreak havoc with his diabetes, he'll probably have to start insulin injections this next week. The doc also said he'll probably be a candidate for a lung transplant within 5 years. He's 52. To a lot of people who may read my blog, thats old...but think about really isn't. Both of us have this issue about living past our parents' age when they passed. My brothers' dad was around 52 when he passed, our mom? 61. We both want to beat the odds. I'm considering giving up on my trip to Cali and heading to Florida to see him instead. Cali can wait until Hawaii!! I don't know...we'll see how things go.
((((HUGS))))) It's almost the weekend!!! :)

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

on his computer Posted by Hello

bike again Posted by Hello

B on his new bike Posted by Hello

holy man!

That test was a doozie, but it's done. I don't think I'll have to have any other testing done for now. I'll just take my medication and be happy, but that test?? Talk about not being able to be in was horrible.
Where are my Licky Chickies??? I miss you!!!

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

B left for camp

..and mom is not taking it very well. Separation anxiety is at it's highest right now and this is a first for me. I have never in all 10 1/2 years had this type of reaction to B leaving. I should be making plans to go out and just whoop it up, you know??? I just might go dancing again....we'll see.
Tomorrow is my last big test for my heart issues, or so I am hoping. I'm not too thrilled about the procedure, but hey....I just want this over with. Pam suggested postponing it for a couple of weeks, but I don't see the relevance of put it off, just to think about it for two more weeks??? No thanks. I know first hand what it's like to schedule one of these tests...and it's no picnic.

I love this sing playing, don't you???

Monday, June 13, 2005

J's family

I took these pics yesterday when I had to say "bye" to my friends...:(
The kids are getting so big so fast!!!
See ya, G..enjoy San Antonio!!! Y'all know I WILL be visiting, right?? Jody??? I know all the bars down there..hee hee hee....heck thats my old stomping grounds!! Midnight Rodeo, The Bluebonnet, The WAL*MART right on I-35 across the street off Eisenhower.. from Ft. Sam..HAHAHAHA
Not to mention Super K Mart on O'Connor!!! Now you get to go H.E.B.-ing!! (Thats the grocery Store from hell!!) Man, I miss being there!! Oh yeah, and the RIVERWALK!!! I wonder if Dick's Last Resort is still there next to Hard Rock??? Hmmmm....worth taking a looksey! Hee hee hee!!
Hope to see you again, Jody before you head off to S.A.!!! I got tickets to more Hmm...??? EH???? ;)

Wow they're getting big!!  Posted by Hello

J, G and kids Sunday Posted by Hello

Lick it chicky!!  Posted by Hello

2 licky chickies missing the 3rd!  Posted by Hello

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Licky Chicky Saturday Night!

We had a blast!! It rained on us though during Blake Shelton, but we didn't care! Rascal Flatts was AWESOME!! I would do it again in a heartbeat! It seemed like everyone around us was celebrating a birthday so we were in good company!
After the concert, J and I took off to the bar. We figured we never go there so who cares of we were soaked and our hair wasn't perfect?? Like I say..."F' off if you can't take a joke!"
We had a blast there.....the pole seen some action, eh J?? LOL!! I also danced a lot with an old Friend , Joe, of which I haven't danced with in almost 15 years and haven't seen in just about 2. It was good to catch up on things and just go out and have fun.
J went back home today, but it was great having her here for the weekend and letting loose a little bit. We cannot wait to get to Cali and get back together with Licky Chicky Kristy!! We misss youuuuuuu!!!! We'll all be together come HAWAII, Baby!!! Woo hoooooooooooo!!!! NOW thats going to be a PARTY!!!! ****WINK WINK**** AAAAALOOOOHHHAAAA!!!

Original Lickkkyyyy Chickkkkyyyyy Posted by Hello

LICKY CHICKIES!! Posted by Hello

at the bar Posted by Hello

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Pretty bad when...

I check my computer and I cannot even get a "Happy Birthday" from COBBS...Mr. "Oh Kristy, I'm so concerned about how Barb is".....yet.....I get a "Happy Birthday" from Mr. Jason who has not contacted me in over 8 months....Hmmmmmmm...isn't THAT freaking Interesting.
Oh well, I consider the source...nothing in it for him, so why should he remember????
You know what I'm thinking K......"you know".......

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Gettin ready!!!

The day is almost here!! Hopefully the day will stay awesome and no rain will fall....I will be sportin a buzz come 5 O'Clock!! Hee hee hee.....Wonder if I'll get the big blow off from COBBS??? I'm bettin........................................................Yes.
What do you think "Licky Chickies"???
I'm thinking this will even take him off the "'Pups on the porch' waitin to be initiated" List..what do you think, K??? HAHAHAAHAHAHAHA!!!

Monday, June 06, 2005

Great news!!

I just returned from my last appt (post surgical) with my GYN...Everything has healed wonderfully (again he sprained his arm patting his own back). I can go back to doing things normally. He said by this time next year I shouldn't even "see" the incision scar...well I hope he's right!
He also said to begin exercising like an athlete in training...slow and methodical, so...guess what?? I'm starting today!!! Ab crunches, here I come!! I even weighed in 2 lbs lighter than 3 weeks ago, so I'm estatic about that!! I mean, sitting on the couch then only walking back and forth to the mailbox is NOT what I call exercise...but I watched what I junk, loads of water and YAY!! 2 lbs down!
My hemoglobin is up to 11.3, so thats great! He said I can stop the extra iron suppliments when the bottle runs out. YAY!!! You don't know how horrible those things are to take!! So one less pill now!!! Thank God!!! Let's see....what else did he say?? OH I can have sex now...LOL..wooooo like I got it before??? Yeah..ok, not a major priority these days...LOL Alteast I don't have to worry about BC Pills or shots anymore!! Thats a huge load off!!! And at 39 years of age, no more periods..can it get any better than that????

I can return to work tomorrow..slowly. We're hoping for full time hours by next Monday. I do have a little infection, not bad...but he said it stemmed from the antibiotics I had to take last week for my intestinal and then upper respiratory infections...oh well, I'm NOT complaining one bit! This is starting out to be a great week! I hope it continues on the upward slope!!
All in all, I feel great. And with my weekend approaching?....wooohooooo...I think a little "saving a horse by riding a cowboy" sounds like a plan to me!!! Hee hee hee!! EHy you all know I'm only gonna dance! Sheesh!!! ***wink wink*** All depends if the Wild ass "Licky Chicky" comes out to play, right Cali girls???? HAHAHAHAAHAHA!!
Gotta go!!!

Sunday, June 05, 2005

SOOOOO excited!!!!

I just got offline with Jody!!! She's coming to my place this weekend to celebrate my "I'm 39 again! Birthday" after my other friend flaked out on me earlier last week. So plans are still a "go"!! We're headed to the Rascal Flatts/ Blake Shelton concert then off to High Kickers' to strut our asses off around some fine looking cowboys!!! Jody says she needs to get to storage to get her clubbing clothes and I have to find out what actually fits me now!!! Oh!!! I'm sooooooo excited!!!! FINALLY we can get out and have some long needed FUN!!!! I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!
WOO HOOOO!!!! "Happy dance"!! Oh and one more thing....LICKY CHICKY pics!! You know we'll have those!! ;)


Saturday, June 04, 2005

Hey Kristy...

This is what I found at K-Mart last night. They're underwire, like you're looking for. They were very reasonable and the way I figure, hey as long as they're comfy on a "Licky Chicky" night out, thats all that counts!! Otherwise they're good enough to wear around the house. Let me know!!
Have a good weekend!

this, right??? Posted by Hello

is this it, K?? Posted by Hello

Friday, June 03, 2005

I have a tissue if you need it!! Posted by Hello

This is for you, Bradley!!!

I saw the Maxine comic above and had a good chuckle.
Someday when you want to talk something other than BS ( if there's such a thing), let me know...I'll try to take you seriously then! hahahahahaha.....Eh hem...SERIOUSLY now...
I will be in Cali in October, thats right...OCTOBER!!...currently the dates are Friday, October 28th ( Morning) arriving in San Diego, (I HOPE and pray) and staying until Sunday November 6th (afternoon).
I don't expect to get penciled in your itenerary until maybe the 28th...but also don't forget Kristy's Halloween party! Us Licky Chickies got ourselves a "Jello Shot Wench" named George...LOL!!!

However, we need a Master Grill Sgt....maybe thats you???? Let one of us Licky Chickies know if thats " good to go"!! hahahahahaha

OK, MSgt "Hottie" you were!!!

Thursday, June 02, 2005

and start now cuz it's an all day job! Posted by Hello

TO: Janet's Stalkers on MY blog:

Go ahead keep logging on to here. There's nothing for you. If you think I'm going to post ANY of Janet's info OR pics of Logan, you're highly mistaken. This is the LAST place I'd post anything for your gain. We have a private area where Logans' pics are posted and we can talk freely. I'm sure you've found the site, but are unable to log into it. There's a reason...HELLO!!!
Hey Daddy...why don't you step up to the plate and BE a dad...BE a man...BE SOMETHING! Take responsibility for your took two to make this baby and you were more than a willing participant, so do your part and be a part your sons life!!! It's not THAT difficult! One more thing...make your own decisions! Don't listen to nosey sisters who know NOTHING of your relationship with J. By the sounds of it, they should look into their own lives and get ahold of their out of control issues before prying into yours. You're a man...grow a spine!!!

Oh and J?? See ya on the "other site"! I can't wait to see the new pics of Logan!! :D

Wednesday, June 01, 2005


***SIGH*** Do I have to say it??
In the last few days I have chatted with a few guys who are "looking" for a relationship. I just sit here and shake my head..there's one who's looking for a dominatrix, another, for someone to listen and "be there", and yet another is looking for someone with NO children, but if she has one who can be dismissed to the babysitters regularly, thats OK.
What in the hell is wrong with you???
What do you REALLY want??? I'll tell you... a "yes" girl...someone probably blonde, beautiful, legs up to "there" and "D" size cups...oh, let not forget a brain to go with it, but she can only utilize it while she's at work or when you want to discuss the news every other Sunday morning. AND whatever she does...she does NOT bug him during the "big game" and, lastly, is available for sex whenever the mood hits him. Let's not even discuss possible marriage, because then the sex will stop!!! God forbid!! Well.......isn't that correct?? Don't shake your heads! I know you're laughing right now wishing THAT girl was next to you as you're reading this.
And just to be fair:
The ideal man for me is dark haired or bald (thats sexy as hell), tall ( atleast 6'-6'5"), fit, nice hands, chesthair, but not too much, has a brain, and wants sex atleast 3 times a day EVEN after you're married and maybe a blowjob during the "big game"...and in place of the "D" cup I'd prefer to have someone who'd be, lets say...ATLEAST 8" and thick! Hey! I can dream too.
Nowhere did I mention whats the most IMPORTANT thing...whats INSIDE. Do we make each other laugh??? Do our hearts complete one another?? Do we communicate??? Do we share in the same likes and dislikes?? Are we compatable??? Looks fade, people age...but their hearts never grow old...they do not see what time does to their spouse. I would love to find someone to laugh with, grow old with, to travel with, to be my best friend at my side, but yet who respects me and can allow me to be independent, JUST as I would him. One more thing..he would have to respect my son as I would respect his kids, if he has any still at home.
I'm not picky, I just know what I want....... I don't think thats too much to ask, but , alas, I speak my mind and thats a turn off for most men.
One guy and I had a debate about sex after marriage..he said it would probably stop as soon as the paper is signed. GIVE ME A FRICKEN BREAK! If you allow it to stop, it will! If you work at keeping the relationship fresh, nothing will end it will only get better. That's what I'm looking for.
Some of us realize that even after you get married, the marriage is always a work in progress. If you take each other for granted, it will die. Those of us who are divorced, know this all too well. I have no plans to stop having sex after I get a matter of fact, I see a lot of fun having him right there...ready to pounce on him the kitchen, the bath, the living room couch...who wants to keep things in a bedroom??? Hell, let's go out on the balcony!!
I have a friend who has a good marriage. They work together, they keep their marriage fresh, plan little get-aways, do family things...they RESPECT each other..they are still IN LOVE with each other after 14's bending with the wind, give and take. They've had their troubles, but they didn't give up on each other and made their marriage WORK, when other's would have thrown in the towel way early.
It can happen to you...I have not given up yet....

One last thing that needs to be done:
To the guy who wants to meet this friday night for dinner, but wants me to "lose the kid"???
Sorry, MY SON and I are busy.

No Shoes, No Shirt, No Problems | Kenny Chesney

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