Thursday, February 02, 2006

Kristy is HOME!!! YAY!!


Lets see..SUPERBOWL is here in Detroit this year...the town is going Superbowl nuts. I was hoping to get B down to the NFL Experience at COBO Hall, but Tuesday he fell in gym and broke his right distal radius. In other words he broke his arm above the wrist. So, why go there when it's all interactive and he cannot do anything?? I guess we'll go to the movies this weekend instead. ( We both agree..YUCK!!!! LOL!!)
I also got my facial cellulitis back last weekend and have been working to get it cleared up To look at me, noone know's, I just feel like shit and the meds knock me out and give me joint pain. I told K..after all this crap, I cannot wait to come out to Cali in June and just relax. I look forward to taking B around to show him the sights. K and I think it will be a blast to give her kids and mine a fun filled week.
I was going to Spread my vacation days out and thought I'd be spending them on long weekends and such, but that has completely fell through to my knowledge as of now and I decided to say the hell with it and just go see my firiends of whom I KNOW are golden. Oh well, live and learn, right??? I have a load of pics to put online but I cannot figure out how I can do it only using my work I guess they'll have to wait for now.

Anyways, thats about it for this week...
GO STEELERS!!! I'll post if I run into any famous, cool people!! You never know!! ;)


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