Thursday, March 31, 2005


I'm pretty ill today...shortness of breath,'s all from the anemia, I'm sure.
I hope to be home all weekend, but if it gets worse, I'm headed to Urgent Care.

For my close the cell.
For others..I'll be back around soon.
Take care.

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

draggin a$$

Wow..I haven't been up like that in ages!! Talking online to "you know who" and then I couldn't fall asleep because my mind was going in a hundred different directions. It was like talking to the former guy I once knew. It was actually nice to joke and kid like we did all those times before. I thank God for that one night of happiness. perimeters are apparently checked...and all is quiet.

Guess that makes me good to go.

***Sigh*** I miss that man and those days.....

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Full Moon and the FREAKS come out

1. My ex's family....can we say psychiatric help???
2. My ex...just also crawled out of the woodwork....ugh! Luckily, he crawled back in..wish his family would too!

Thats enough for me..I'm so glad I don't hardly talk to any of these people anymore.

Medically wise...thats all in the air,too. I won't know anything official until next Wednesday, but I am concerned over a few of the results.

Isn't my son just a cutie patootie with all the piggy's around him??? This is a definite "make into real photos" picture..I just love it!

Anyways, thats the way the cookie crumbles...I'll post info once I get the test results.

My son on his Spring Break Posted by Hello

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Me on Easter morning Posted by Hello

with his Easter cammie jeep basket and his Marine ja Posted by Hello

My handsome boy Posted by Hello

B Easter 05 Posted by Hello

Easter Sunday

It's a beautiful morning and I'm going to get ready to take my son to his Godmother's for Spring Break. I took some awesome pics of him this a.m., just before he left for Church. He's definitely growing up fast!
Happy Easter Everyone!!

Saturday, March 26, 2005

So Question:

If anyone can answer this, please do...
Why would an old aquaintance come online and rehash all of our sexual escapades during the time we were together?? I call him an aquaintance now, since he lost the title of "friend" last June when he hurt me so much. But WHY talk about all the sexual things that went on between us?? Do you miss me that much?? Do you realize that you thoroughly screwed up and want to maybe see each other again??? Do you want to see if my reception to you is not rude, but kind??

I'll tell you this right now..and I am talking straight to you... YOU are the one who found me, YOU are the one who initiated starting some kind of a relationship, when I was saying you were full of BS, YOU are the one who asked me to go out on a limb and believe in you. This was all you...YOU were the one who told me we would work at a relationship, even though we were across the states from one another....YOU were also the one to BEG me to never hurt you, to hold onto your heart, to be careful...and I WAS! TOTALLY!! UNCONDITIONALLY!!!
YOU used know you did. I told you from the time you were overseas that YOU are just thinking all these feelings are happening when in truth, you are just homesick and finding someone to bide your time while you are at the camp. YOU told me NO atleast a dozen believe in you...that you were straight up and didn't play games....(yeah, right)
YOU told me that a person of your rank was further up the food chain and the last guy I was with was nothing but an ass.....well what are you then???
YOU did the exact same thing to me that he did...only you were coming home from Afghanistan, not Okinawa.
YOU were rude to me and YOU disrespected me.
So why come online and IM me about "caring" about how I am??? YOU lost that courtesy way back in June when you so abrutply ended things with me and said some god awful hurtful things that I DID NOT DESERVE. SO like I said in my last email to you...
We had our fun when YOU needed allowed YOU to forget about Afghanistan for a few short days..
I did my part..
MISSION: Accomplished.
Unless you have something to say about any of this or I am wrong anywhere on here, I would certainly love to hear what you have to say....but I're too proud to let your feelings be known....thats not courage..thats stupidity. SO say it to ME. can't...can you?? I mean YOU won't call me anymore...and why is that?? You're explaination is "because I wouldn't be able to handle hearing YOUR voice"..PPUULLLEEAAASSEEEE...we all know it's the cannnot handle hearing mine..thats a known fact. Nice to know I have that affect on you.
So here I am....I'm waiting.....( for atleast a few nanoseconds anyways......)

Friday, March 25, 2005

Well well well.....

I was wondering when the other 2 ladies, this time from Janets blog, would come looking for info over here....I'll tell you digging snoops one thing and one thing only. I will not devulge any info to you two sisters, no matter how much you look on here. JANETS LIFE is now her own after your brother played his games. Time to wise up to the fact that what she does is noones business but hers.....gee...AND I KNOW EVERYTHING about her and the baby. Oh well..he played his part, now time for him to leave the playing field. Wait....he already has done that!!!
The whistle has blown...GAME OVER.

Sheesh, if it's not Hawaiian Tuna, it's snoopy WVa sisters.......and look what it got all of you???

Sure sux to be you! **wink wink**
Now, be gone...poof!!!

Thursday, March 24, 2005

I'll even bend over for ya! Posted by Hello

Speaking of Kissing...

Hay Hawaiian biatches.....stay off my site and do the following....

Kiss it,too!!!!  Posted by Hello

See the tail?? I want my candy now! Posted by Hello

I'm a BUNNY...can't you see the tail?!?!?!

Today was the last full day of work before the long weekend. PAm and I get to have a 1/2 day off after asking the doc today. We were hoping for atleast a 1p.m. close, but he said "Noon, yeah, how about Noon?" ..........Like we would say NO???? So, we're out of our office tomorrow at noon!

No real PLANS per se for the weekend. I have B's stuff all bought and ready to be hidden all over the place, then he's going to Sunday School and taking part in the Easter Egg Hunt. THEN..he's leaving for up north and going to his Godmother's place for a few days. He's looking forward to going there so he can RELAX!!! LOL!! Funny kid!!!
ME?? No plans for me at all...never is! I lead such a thrilling life, don't I?? Well maybe someday soon it will pick up.
I got a PM from an "old friend" today saying: well if your a bunny i am peter cotton tail and i am hoppin up your trail .
Mr. reply...If you're hoppin up my trail, you better be bringing candy, little boy!

You're funny!!!

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

The Tuna and Crusty Show... I'm a member of K's new group....if anyone is following K's blog, this site is going to be pretty interesting. I cannot believe the amount of people who have actually applied to the group! I guess Tuna and Crusty have quite a following!! LOL

SO anyways....
My bloodwork got done today and I'm going to have my U/S done of my leg this next Monday. Doc thinks I may have a blood clot...GREATTTT!!! I don't think so, but hopefully something may show that explains why my foot goes so cold and numb.
Hey Pammy! If you're reading this...I hope you feel better! Like I said you NEED a Chest x-ray, but hey! What do I know???? Damn this states weather!!!

It's almost hump day....hurry up weekend!!
Easter....hmmmm...I got a pair of bunny ears used once..if anyone wants em..let me know! ;)
I mean sheesh! I'm noones "snugglebunny" any sense in keeping this stuff around.

Monday, March 21, 2005

Monday, 21MAR

The week is in full swing now and you'd never know it was spring by the crappy weather we have. Michigan just sux.
My doc appt went ok. I have to go get a ton of blood drawn and an arterial U/S of my lower extremities....hopefully it may answer why my foot is so cold and my toes are turning pretty colors of ash and purple!!
Thats about it for today...
Hope everyone has an awesome week!

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Man, it's Sunday already????

The weekends are just not long enough!
Yesterday was a fun day..did my usual trip through Wallyworld and then off to the grocery store. IM'd with Kristy all night...had a drunky licky chicky evening..LOL..discussed some issues in regards to bald heads and DONGS....amazing what women talk about when they've had a few!
My son made his usual "base tent" in the living room and played"Marines" as he had met a guy yesterday in the store and he informed my son that it's possible to go to MCRD San Diego instead of PI and still be in Michigan. I'll have to check with some of my Marine friends on that issue, but for the time being he's happy as a lark. Speaking of my son, today is his last day of grounding. He'll be free to atleast go out and play after I get home it rain!
Today's plans: While B is at Sunday School, I'm headed up to Wallyworld once more to purchase his Easter stuff. The kid is not into a lot of candy, so I need to check out the toys and maybe a CD or X-Box game....sheesh, the Easter Bunny gets hit in this house!! LOL!
After that run, I'll be back here doing laundry, cleaning the house...doing my "Domestic Goddess" act.
Tomorrow's plans: Work and Doctor appt. Happy happy!! Joy joy!!! ACK!!!!

Saturday, March 19, 2005

OMG!! I almost forgot!

GREAT NEWS!!!! I received my notification that I got in on the WYCD Country (99.5 F.M.) Mega ticket this summer at DTE Energy Music Theatre ( Formallly PINE KNOB). I got tickets to 5 concerts for one price...get this line up...
1. Reba McEntyre, Brad Paisley, Terry Clark
2. Rascall Flatts w/ Blake Shelton ( thats for my B-day!! WOO HOOO)
3. Montgomery Gentry
4. Alan Jackson w/ Sara Evans
5. Brooks & Dunn w/ Big and Rich

How awesome is that??? As you can tell I'm a huge fan of Rascall Flatts...(thanks to Laura!!)
And I get to see them the day after my B-Day in June....There's no better way I'd like to celebrate my 1st anniversary of staying 39 then being at a Rascall Flatts concert!!
Then of course, there's my trip to Cali a few weeks after that!!!
Anyways....thats it...I was just excited to receive the confirmation in my email a little while ago.


First off..Hawaii nards..stay off my site. I have nothing for you to check out.

For all others...I checked in with my doc today. He's very happy with my progress and gave me a few new pointers on staying with my plan and succeeding, one of which is to make up a meal plan for the for those items and stick to the plan. Sounds easy enough, but he also reminded me that Americans usually don't know what they want until a hour before dinner typically. So I'm willing to give it a try..seems pretty logical.
B is still grounded through Monday....maybe longer if his attitude doesn't change regarding his homework. I hate to have to do this, but I guess I'll have to stand over him and let him have a caniption until he realizes homework first then playtime.
I'm growing tired of raising him alone and not having the aid of another mind here to maybe offer some insight. Oh well....I've already come to the conclusion that this specific dream is just that and the thought of trusting someone fully again after what Brad did to me, is pretty much impossible.
I really need a trip out to Kristy's...***Wink Wink***
And in my drinkies???....NO FRUIT!!!! LOL!!!

Friday, March 18, 2005

Almost the weekend!

Hey all...first off I love the question/survey/personal opinion on Heather's got my answer to Crusty's life. Women like that need to be turned in!!

Oh and Kristy???...Mardi Gras BBQ??? Only if you get some hotties over there to toss the beads..LOL!! You know what I Like! ***WINK WINK***
July is not that far off!!
I'll let you know my official weight loss so far for the month tomorrow night. Let's hope it's good!
Like Jewels said...salads?? How can you eat salads?? Thats rabbit food! Wellllllll....
I am a BUNNY!!! Can't you see the tail???? hahahaha

Have an awesome day y'all!

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

This school..ugh!

My day went well, thanks...LOL...
However, I walk into my house and here my sons site with his leg wrapped and crutches...hmmmmm!!
I don't recall getting a call from the school, do you Pam?!?!?
Apparently he was playing outside..playing "tag" actually, and fell across a pole. They literally carried him into the school...applied ice and such. This kids right leg is swollen just below the knee, black and blue, and he's nauseous from it. He can walk on it THANKFULLY, but COME ON!!! Am I over reacting here?? Shouldn't the school have called me about this??? OMG..this is an on-going problem with this elementary school of his....they never call for anything, unless of course, he does something WRONG, then they're all over me like flies on shit. Are they going to hear from me?? Ohhhh, you betcha!!!! But I know it will fall upon DEAF always does!
Have a great evening...looks like mine will be long. (((HUGS)))
If I don't answer my phone tonight, you'll know I'm somewhere getting an x-ray done on the kid!!

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

my alcohoroscope..hee hee

Drinking style....Geminis can drink without changing their behavior much -- they're so naturally chatty and short-attention-spanned that it's just hard to tell sometimes. They can amaze you by conversing with finesse and allusion, then doing something to belive an extremely advanced state of intoxication, like puking in your shoe. Geminis possess the magic ability to flirt successfully(and uninfuriatingly, which is very tricky) with several people at once. They like to order different cocktails every round -- repetition is boring-- and may create a theme (like yellow drinks: beer, sauvignon blanc and limoncello) for their own amusement.


Happy Tuesday!

1/3 the way through the week and it's not going fast enough! My office mgr returned from her trip all nice and tan.....made me want to book my trip to CALI NOW!!!! Of course I cannot tan like that, but just the thought of relaxing out on the West Coast with my other Licky Chickies gives me incentive to start planning my time away all that much more.
I hear Heather is heading to Hawaii! Well good for you girly! Bout time you get a wonderful vacation/honeymoon with your hubby! Steer clear of Tuna factories!
Kristy...thanks again for all your help in creating this blog for're the greatest! And I LOVE the video!
Well off to feed the little JR Marine...he wants chicken! Damn! He'll be growing feathers in no time at the rate he's eating all this freaking chicken! I settle for some more Waldorf Salad and a nice tall glass of lemon water...YUM! ( Hey! Don't turn your nose up. I've lost 13, count em 13 pounds by eating primarily vegetarian for the last 3 1/2 weeks and have no plans on turning back!) I got places to be and such in July!!! And we all know a definite date with good Old CAPT. Morgan a few nights! hahahahaha!!! He's a spicy kinda pirate! ***Wink wink***

Monday, March 14, 2005

me Posted by Hello

Looky's who's got a blog now..!!!

Hellooooooooo all and welcome to me!!

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